Clean grounds – Rake leaves, pickup brush and sticks, remove rocks, mow.

Clean food stands. Touch up the paint on the Youth Exhibit Building & Food Stands. We need it primed and painted in various areas.

Clean and seal cheese curd stand deck. Create standard signage across the park to let people know where things are at. Create signage for buildings, restrooms and buildings

Everyone should understand that this is your park. Many people are doing a lot, but we do need volunteers to continue taking pride in this extremely unique property. Someday, we will all be able to kick back and enjoy a truly phenominal property, but right now, we need help. If you can’t make our work days and want to help on your own schedule, please call Chris Martin at 715.572.4758 or Lisa Kielblock 715-570-7218 to find out how you can help.

For more advanced stuff, please look at our project list.